Local Seo-Guide-For-Beginners

Local SEO: Beginners Guide To Improving Business Rankings In Local Search

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Author: Eric Brinkman Local SEO Expert   Table of Contents Start Here

  1. Introduction
  2. Google Maps/Google My Business Optimization

Ranking your small business using local SEO strategy results in more leads, sales and brand awareness. In many industries, this practice results in the highest ROI for money spent on marketing. The question is…what the hell is local seo and where do I start? Google has been very clear with marketers by showing more localized search results year after year. This is great news if your target demographic is in your area. You no longer need to compete with the top brand and franchises in your industry. Now you can out rank and gain a competitive edge by outdoing only your local competitors. Get an early adapters advantage! The sooner you start, the greater your advantage will be. Local SEO will become common practice for all business in the future. For now, there is a huge opportunity to put your business ahead of the pack and build a local seo strategy that will put you far enough ahead that it will be difficult for anyone to catch up. Our goal is to provide a clear and concise explanation of what is entailed in the a local search campaign by giving you a walkthrough of the steps involved. Bookmark this page and take action on the information provided.

Introducing our local seo beginners guide for small business owners  Forget everything you’ve read about local seo. This guide is here to cut out all the bullshit and provide you with REAL, TESTED and PROVEN methods to increase your ranking in localized search and the google maps algorithm. After years of research, we’ve come across many guru’s that were dishing out complete non-sense that is simply not effective. Our knowledge is based off of years of experience in ‘the trenches’ ranking websites, testing theories and working directly with industry leaders that do the same to produce real results.

Why did We Create This Guide? Isn’t it a trade secret? Our intention is to educate business owners and marketing managers as to the amount of real work that is required to rank a website in the search engines and what it takes to keep there rankings long term. Local businesses have been dealing with yellow pages making claims like, “we’ll put you on google page 1” for years. A common problem we see, in the local seo industry, is business owners shopping around based on priced. Given the nature of digital campaigns, this is a very poor decision as you often get what you pay for. This guide eliminates that issue. If you’ve stumbled across our guide, you know have two choices: take this guide and commit the required time to learn and act on our proven stategy OR let us handle the entire process. If you’re looking for legitimate online growth in your area, cancel your yellow pages ads and consider hiring a legitimate local seo provider if you don’t have the time to put this information to action.

Start by determining where you stand in local search by conducting a local seo audit. As you follow along this guide, keep notes that identify where your site will need improvements. Perhaps you’ll discover that a new website is need entirely or that your are not optimized to convert visitors. Knowing this before you start your local seo campaign will give you an opportunity to build a solid framework on which to build. Also, you’ll have a better understanding of what you’ve done in the past that has positively effected and negatively effected your value to the search engines. Keep notes on what change will need to be made and start creating a checklist for your campaign. You’ll want a thorough understanding of who you’re up against. This guide is perfect for business owners that are in low to medium competition keywords. However, if your competitors are using advanced seo, you may want to consider consulting an expert as to what it will take to outrank your competition. Local SEO is a marathon not a sprint. Create a long term plan, with our information, and keep a schedule of the consistent actions you’ll need to take month after month in your campaign to see the desired results. Too often, we hear from businesses that have, as Seinfeld would say, “stopped short” because they felt their actions were not producing a result. SEO is about the long game. This is why the cost of adwords is skyrocketing year after year.

Who Should Use this guide? This guide in intended to help small business owners gain a better understanding what a professional local seo campaign is. Our strategies are effective for both brick and mortar store and local service providers that go to their customer’s locations. With that being said, our guide can be used by national brands to rank locally for services offered in each and every city they target. This guide will be useful for marketing managers that are seeking ways to localize their national brands presence. Local organic results pages and maps listings are two separate algorithms that google continues to update. We will keep this guide as updated as possible to make sure the techniques mentioned are still working in the current google climate. We focus on long term strategies that will never put you of risk of getting put into google’s sandbox or penalty filters.

Overview of a professional local seo campaign First, audit your website and complete an search engine optimization analysis to determine where you stand. Second, explore several campaign plans to put into action and decide what the BEST plan is. Third, take action on the best strategy. Fourth, keep records or everything you’re doing. SEO is all about testing, seeing what works and doubling down on effective methods. Fifth, cut the fat. If something hasn’t worked or shown you some for, of results within 45-90 days, Go back to the drawing board or seek an expert to determine where you’ve gone wrong. Google gives marketers hints as to what will work to rank in their algorithms. However, they have never come right out and given us the most effective methods. These methods have been discover by marketers that to the time to test and test and test theories until they found something that’s worked. Lucky for us, years of training has been put together explaining what works. The big problem is knowing who to trust and which information is best. While I’m bias in saying that this guide is the definitive guide to local seo, it is still best practice to use trial and error with every method as google is a live algorithm that updates regularily.

Time for An Audit! Unfortunately, your site may have some problems that will prevent you from running an effective campaign. You may need to go back and undo mistakes. The important thing is to have a framework that allows you to test your local seo campaign properly. Complete a full seo audit to determine the acitons required for your local seo campaign. We are preparing a downlaodable document that you will be able to use to complete to do your audit. For now, we are offering a free, no obliation website audit service. Enter Your Info Here To request your free local seo audit. In this audit we will look for the following:

  • NAP: Name address and phone number accuracy and consistency.
  • SEO technical setup discovery
  • Competitive analysis
  • Local, Niche and Media Citation Review
  • Determin current site metrics review:

-Moz Domain authority, Page authority, Majestic Trust and Citaton Flow -Backlink Profile -Anchor Text Analysis As google introduces new algorithm updates we update our audit process to ensure you are up to date as well. Use you audit as a framework for completing the following strategies in your campaign. Google Maps/Google My Business Optimization[/text_block]